SFS Application Process

Apply Here

The application for SFS is currently closed.


Please write a personal statement, not to exceed two single-spaced pages, explaining why you should be considered for the Scholarship for Service (SFS) award. In this statement, please explain your interest in studying and working in the field of cybersecurity, particularly as it relates to national security and the government. Please include any relevant academic, professional, and/or personal experiences. In addition, please describe what strengths, abilities, and/or characteristics you will contribute to the diverse Scholarship for Service (SFS) community if admitted.

You will be required to submit two letters of recommendation addressing your suitability for this program. The letters should speak to your commitment to cybersecurity and national security. Recommendations should come from professor(s) in a related field and/or a person familiar with your academic work and leadership qualities.  The ACES Leadership Team cannot write your letter of recommendation.

Recommenders may submit letters directly to lschrott@umd.edu. PDF and Word documents are preferred.

Recommendation letters must be submitted prior to the recommendation deadline indicated in the SFS application. Failure to receive two letters of recommendation will result in your application being denied.

You will be required to submit clear copies of your resume and transcript to the google form application. These documents must be uploaded in a .pdf or .docx format. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.

You will be contacted 2-3 weeks after the applications have closed with further information and next steps in the application process. You must be an ACES Minor student to be considered for this scholarship.

If you have any questions, please email aces@umd.edu.
